I've found out my dad works for EPIC GAMES

My father is a very good man, he took care of the family and provided for us, it's a shame he had to go.
Sometimes i would dream about playing with my old man like it was yesterday, it's been 5 years since he's gone, i am now 17. being the angsty teenager that i am, i started to learn about about the world and how it was'nt a safe place. and i was always afraid of danger since i was little but now im more aware of my surroundings. i also consider myself to be more "WOKE" since i am a humans rights activists and always protest for equal rights. but now that i start to question things alot more i started to ponder about how my dad has died.
For starters. my father's death was blamed on a "workplace accident." but my pops never told us where he has worked. i dont know why but my father was very secretive about his job, did he really work in a very dangerous workplace? i dont think so. because after a little digging i found out where my father worked at. it was non other than the game company EPIC GAMES. i was suprised because my father has always acted like he did'nt know how computers worked. let alone programming! but why did he hide it from us? it is very puzzling.
On the day i found out of this piece of info, i've decided to clean the house for extra money from my mom, while she was drinking alcohol in the kitchen.
i went upstairs to clean the 2nd floor of the house, after some cleaning the last place i needed to clean was my parents bedroom, it is large and very modern,
with rich décor and minimilistic color palletes, first i cleaned out the dust, wiped off any gunk in the area and cleaned out the closet. while i was moving old boxes around i found one box in paticular i was curious of. it has writing on it which said  "DADS STUFF". i immediately opened it. overwhelmed by nostalgia and memories. i promised myself to let go but i wanted to look back at good memories one last time. it's filled with the usual everyday belonging and some fond items of my childhood, but then i saw crumbled of pieces of paper in the bottom of the box, one is an address to a storage unit while the other is a printed email from another employee from EPIC GAMES congratulating my dad on a raise and inviting him to hang out in a local bar in town. so that was his job! it seems to all makes sense now. i always wondered why when a mean player was dissing me in unreal tournament he would get banned immidietly.
was my father protecting me from afar? after some reading i decided to go to the storage unit that is written on one of these papers. maybe a clue can be found there!
I went to the storage unti written on the piece of paper, i should have also mentioned there was a key inside i assume is for opening the storage unit. once inside all there was inside is a box labelled "GAMES" and i opened it. inside was old school nintendo games and some disk casings, i brough this back home and decided to investigate the CD's i found. i plopped the disk's inside my computer and looked inside. there's 3 files inside. "GEARS OF WAR", "FORTNITE" and "PORN". of course my dad has his needs too. the GEARS OF WAR folder has an installation of GEARS OF WAR 3 on PC. and FORTNITE folder has an installation of Fortnite for PC, what was weird though is, to install Fornite you need the EPIC GAMES launcher, not the actual game itself, but i paid no mind to it. and left the disk alone, along with the games.
I just graduated from highschool as an honor student with good grades, my mother told me to relax a little since its my special day after all, i was being stubborn and wanted to go work on my college applications immediately but my mother insisted that i relax, after some convincing i surrendered and went to my room to take a nap. though i found it hard to even take my minds of things. i got pretty restless. thinking of ways to past the time i remembered the discs i found from my dad's old belongings. there were 2 games and some "entertainment" so i found the CD and installed the 2 games while using the other folder to pass the time while i wait for them to finish installation, one they were done i decided to play the Fortnite game, little did i know this was a grave mistake.
Once it was done i opened the game and chose a username, naming myself "AuroraAsteroids" i joined the game and dropped in a place in the map named "loot lake" i placed in 27 in my last game and got a feel of the game, but when i decided to play duo's it started to become surreal. random glitches started appearing, graphics being filtered to death, my player model disappearing and sound suddenly turning off and jump to max volume after a few seconds, but the players i matched with were the creepiest part!
like "ChildKiller" and "Forest Demon" being the ones i find eeriest. one player even turned on voice communication and started to speak in a demonic language! but there was this one user. he had the player model of THANOS and was named "SEXY MITTENS uwu" and asked me in voice chat in a alluring voice. "do you like what you see" as soon as she said that i started to have PTSD like flashbacks. what was going on? i was confused and horrified for no reason! i tried closing the game but a message said "no you cannot go back now. -DAD" WAS MY DAD IN ON THIS.....BUT HE'S DEAD!!
HOW CAN HE DO THIS!? at this very moment i knew that things are not. right. when i played more and more i fingertips started to BLEED BLOOD cause of how hard i was clicking the mouse and pressing the keys, my legs were shaking and i started feeling nauseous even though i've only been playing for 1 hour..
after a few minutes i finally realized that i've soiled myself and my eyes started to strain while playing,
i decided to play one last game before force closing fortnite and destroying the CD, because it destroying it works everytime according to other stories,
When i joined a match again, this time i was in duos even though i positively am sure i clicked on solo. the game started as soon as i joined, right when we were about to drop from the party bus, everyone was named "SON I AM DISSAPOINTED IN YOU." and i started to cry seeing this, when i dropped into Tilted Towers i met my squadmate, he was named "Father" and single handedly bodied everyone in the game. before he could kill the last player he turned to me and said "Son i am actually you are me, you living a dream and because of hard drugs you started to hallucinate about yourself being yourself and i wanted to come to you here so that you wake up father"
I woke up.
after the incident i vowed to never do hard drugs again. instead i'll be alcoholic and smoke pot for the rest of my days, griefing my son who died from a workplace accident.